IndustryAeropuertos Estaciones de tren MetroAgencias gubernamentalesEconomía digital y bancosFuerzas de seguridadFábricas y empresasInstituciones educativasOrganismos de energía nuclear y defensaPrisiones y centros de detenciónSafer citiesServicios de salud y bienestar socialShopping malls and exhibitions or casinosSports venues and mass eventsStatebusiness
TechnologiesAccess and motion controlAutomating forensic examinationsDetecting and tracking body motionsFace detection and trackingFace recognitionFinger and palm print identificationFootprint identificationIdentifying firearmsIris recognitionObject detection and trackingScanning and photographing polysurfacesVerification of ID papersVideo analysis and computer vision
Type: EquipmentBS-16 ScannerBallistaBiometric ID TerminalDPP-6DPP-7DPP-8DS-21 ScannerDS-22 ScannerDS-30 ScannerDS-45 ScannerDS-70 ScannerDS-ХХ ScannersDesktop stationEnrollment StationsExpertLabFK-3FK-4FOSKOFacial ID access terminalsLATOPMDSMKDSMobile ARSENALMobile stationsPAPILLON-МPHOBOXPOLYFACE-smartTF-MonoblockZIRKON
Type: SDK and UtilitiesBiodoc SDKFace MachineFace SDKLSSDKNuitrack SDKPOLYPHEMZirkon SDK
Type: ServicesAI and neuroalgorithmsAuditAutocoderNeuroTechnical support
TypesType: AccessoriesType: Educations coursesType: EquipmentType: SDK and UtilitiesType: ServicesType: Software
Productos y servicios / Software
Productos y servicios / Servicios
Productos y servicios / Equipo
Productos y servicios / SDK y utilidades